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Hello! I'm Enjoying the game so far but I am currently stuck. Do you have a walkthrough or can you please help? I seem to have a gate key and two components but have nothing left to interact with. 

If you have the gate key you can go to the backyard on the ground floor all the way to the left and there you'll get the end game. Currently that is where the game end but we are planning on expanding and adding a few missing dialogues that change deppending on the order you interact with events and the neighbours.

I was able to go out that door on the far left right away at the beginning and I died. Is that a bug to be able to leave without the key? but thank you for replying! I thought I was missing something important that was supposed to progress the game further. I am really excited to see how the story progresses and the relationship with the boys go. 


Oh that sounds like a bug I'll check it out! Thank you for playing and for letting me know!

I have the same problem. I collected three keys and one component and that's it... "Glen/Game Over" prevents me from going to the backyard. All other doors are locked.

I'll look into it. The game should be over after the CG appears in the backyard.


Thanks for the game 


Hi there! I'm unfortunately experiencing an error which doesn't let me past the loading screen :((


It should be working now


Awesome to hear >W<

Ayo?! This looks hella promising. Can't wait to give this a try 👀